Monday, September 6, 2010

Ode to Joy

Joy is a delight of the mind.
The emotion evoked by well-being,
good fortune
or by the prospect
of possessing what one desires:
a state of happiness
or felicity.

Joy's rugged and reliable equipment
keeps producing
at the lowest cost per ton
& other cool things.
Exercise can co-exist with an element of joy.
And it's happening
in the basement of an old luggage factory
in Park Slope.
Joy carpets.

This is the true joy in life,
the being used for a purpose
recognized by yourself as a mighty one;
the being thoroughly worn out
before you are thrown on the scrap heap;
the being a force of Nature
instead of a feverish selfish little clod
of ailments
and grievances
that the world will not devote itself
to making you happy.

For ye are our glory and joy.
Who, for the joy that was set before him,
endured the cross,
despising the shame.

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