Thursday, August 19, 2010

15 Minutes

15 minutes 'til we have to go

make the sandwich, find the sneakers, brush the teeth, turn off the TV, did I tell you to turn off the TV?, put that in your bag, put the frog back where he belongs, didn't I tell you we had to leave?

15 minutes until dinner

except I forgot to start the rice, please set the table, clear the newspapers off before you set the table, no, not there, put them in the recycling bucket, the forks go on the left, we need napkins, is the rice ready yet?, take the carrots out of the fridge, get your shoes off the chair, didn't I tell you it was dinner time?

15 minutes until bed

you should already have brushed your teeth, I don't know where you left your book, aren't those pajamas dirty? what do you mean you left the other ones at camp? no, the dog can't sleep in your room tonight, because I said so, it's just about time for lights out, well, I'm sorry, you can finish that chapter tomorrow, turn the radio off, get back into bed, didn't I tell you I love you?