Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Love Song for Amelia

It's all her fault.
She dragged you into it.
Without me, you never would have gone there.
It's water under the bridge now.
Marriage. Divorce. Addiction problems.
I absolutely love her.
It's her latest attempt to tackle the problem,
which she has blamed on the devil.
He says he wants to end their marriage to save her.
She thinks that's rather dramatic,
but she's trying everything to relieve boredom.
I don't know what your name is.
She is even slapping poor strangers coming
to her rescue on the street,
and she can't remember doing it.
Her mother tried to stop her troubled daughter's descent,
but it was too late.
And then, this artist
was hoping for the greatest recovery of her life.
She's on the right road.
She is loved and looked after.
It is evident in her performance.
The last six months have been remarkable,
and you can see the color is returning.
It is nothing short of a miracle.

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