Thursday, August 19, 2010

Divided By...

that's not what I said.  what I said was...
that's not what I said.  what I said was...
that's not what I said.  what I said was...

are you even listening to me?!

that's not what I meant.  what I meant was...
that's not what I meant.  what I meant was...
that's not what I meant.  what I meant was...

do you even understand where I'm coming from?!

that's not what I hoped.  what I hoped was...
that's not what I hoped.  what I hoped was...
that's not what I hoped.  what I hoped was...

have you even sensed my disappointment?

that's not what I dreamed.  what I dreamed was...
that's not what I dreamed.  what I dreamed was...

that's not what I dreamed.  what I dreamed was...

can you even join me in my dreams?!

that's not what I wanted.  what I wanted was...
that's not what I wanted.  what I wanted was...
that's not what I wanted.  what I wanted was...

will you even meet me in the middle of what I can't have?

that's not what I said or meant or hoped or dreamed or wanted...
but here we are.  connected by "i dos" and "i ams" and "i wills".

on good days that makes all the difference.
on bad days it doesn't mean a hill of beans.
and the love train we're on runs somewhere between the rails.
sometimes a rough rugged chug.  others a streamlined express.
steadily moving down the track, 
but not nearly as first class as I'd imagined.

that's not what I imagined.  what I imagined was...

oh forget it.  it's who we are.
and good, bad or ugly
I love who we are
I love us
I love you

dang it.