Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love Affair

I know I've been unfaithful.
I know I've been so ridiculously
inconsistent and untrue.

I haven't hidden my faults from you
my mistakes,
my ugliness.
I've tried, but unfortunately I can't.
It is impossible to fool you.
To hide from you.
You know me so well.

You have taken me back
Open arms
Arms wide opened, with a level of forgiveness
that my mind can't

Waiting as I sob and beg;
Begged for another chance

I don't have to beg, but I feel inclined to do so
I feel obligated.

Because I know that I don't deserve you
I don't deserve your grace,

I don't deserve your selflessness.

I know I take you for granted
And I can't help but realize that
this is a dysfunctional relationship

One that you should probably walk away from
A relationship between two different beings
With different natures, different levels of loyalty;
a very unbalanced exchange of commitment.

But you don't walk away.
You stay.
You endure.
You wait.
And gently bring me back.

Over again.
Countless times you've pulled me back.

I am fully aware that actions speak louder than words.
But, I want you to know that I love you, Lord.
More than my words can express.

But I know you see the depths of my soul;
Beyond my junk, my mistakes, my scar tissue,
and whatever else I have exposed my precious soul to;
I know you see my heart, my love, my human commitment.

You don't have to say it back.
I already know.
I already know that your love is unfailing.
You've proven that to me.

So, I'm continuing to fight for us.
I'm pushing myself beyond my human nature,
with your help, of course,
so that you can see that...

I am trying.
Each day is a battle, but I am trying.
and I want you to know that I won't give up on
us; or our love.

It is my life.

1 comment:

  1. I guess my post is weird, but obvious in a altar is the unoriginal I know. But that is the only place...the cross, Christ's arms that I can surrender it all.
