Thursday, August 19, 2010

Itemized Bill

I spent $63.17 at the Petsmart
to buy the filters and lights
for the aquarium
for our turtle.
(Who is now your turtle.)

I spent $32.87 at Food Lion
to buy groceries
for the week
expecting us to dine together.

I spent $46.43 at Gap
to buy you pants
and shirts
for your new job.

I spent two hours on Wednesday
debating what to do when
I found the e-mails and pictures
between you and she --
but I can't put a price on that.

There are a lot of things
I can't put a price on.

So you scoff,
but $142.47 doesn't even begin
to total
what you took from me.


  1. Jess, this is wonderful and poignant. Not bad at all!

  2. No. It's not bad at all. It made me "Aaah" because I felt it in my guts.

  3. Yep. I felt it in my guts too, like a punch. And not in a bad way.
