Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Here I Am.

My boy, your mother laughed into herself
when she heard you would be coming.
What would I tell her now?
As I look into your eyes,
I think of how I've loved you.
I wonder if this look will be the last,
or if he'll let you off my hook.
There's no one else I love enough
but you - but without him, you're not.
I'm not. We're nothing.
I do not understand, and yet,
this morning I submit.
I packed you like my donkey,
and here, unbasketed, unfurled,
I stretch you out upon this altar
and make a gift of my whole world.


  1. Wow. Just, wow.

    One more thing: may I share this with our rabbi?

  2. Sure! I'd love to hear what Rabbi has to say!

  3. I just realized this is a miscarried sonnet. It's a sonnet with an extra appendage. I hate it when that happens.

  4. Oh, I totally knew Jay was going to love that one! :)

  5. Yeah, I was really into this poem until I realized it was a miscarried sonnet. That TOTALLY ruined it for me. ;-)

    (LOVE IT!)

  6. In every way I am in awe of this.
