Monday, August 23, 2010


We want to watch a movie. (fine)
Get me a drink. (a please would be nice)
Can we have popcorn? (you just ate)

-take the dog out-

Don't jump on the couch. (I used to have nice things)
Please don't spill that.
Stop touching your brother. (100x a day-at least)

I don't like this movie. (too bad)
He bit me! (I 'm sure you deserved it)

Give him his toy back.
Don't bite your sister.

-What-you were just out?-

Guys just sit & watch your movie. (some days, I feel like selling them to Gypsy's)

-feed the dog & refill water bowl-

PLEASE stop jumping on the couch!

Broken bowl, popcorn kernels everywhere. (seriously)

I asked you to STOP jumping.
Look at this mess.


I SWEAR this dog, these kids, WHAT?

What do you want dog?
What do you want kids?
Do you know what I want...School to start!...ONLY 3 MORE DAYS!